Land School: Winter / Acts of Locating
“Where am I?” was the driving force in this workshop, approaching place as a verb in which one is continually locating.
When place is activated, the body and senses emerge as catalyst in the process. Through tactile connection, the relationship between self and place is negotiated in the terrain of daily life. Activities investigated modes of knowing and engaging our worlds, developing a connection to place and land through artistic methods rooted in and reliant on the body. Some methods of working included, walking, meditation, writing, sketching, mapping, painting, dialogue, and play.
Activity view, Acts of Locating, Land School, Lake Country Montessori School, Minneapolis, MN, 2019
Activity view, Acts of Locating, Land School, Lake Country Montessori School, Minneapolis, MN, 2019
Participant’s sketchbook, Acts of Locating, Land School, Lake Country Montessori School, Minneapolis, MN, 2019